
LED LIGHT packaging technology market and

LED LIGHT packaging technology market and industry analysis A, LED LIGHT industry overview Since the birth of the LED LIGHT by the people's attention. The global LED LIGHT industry in the country under the strong support of government polic
LED LIGHT packaging technology market and industry analysis

A, LED LIGHT industry overview 
Since the birth of the LED LIGHT by the people's attention. The global LED LIGHT industry in the country under the strong support of government policies, LED LIGHT in various fields has been widely applied to obtain a rapid development. The international financial crisis, the 2009 global LED LIGHT industry slowed down, the output value of $ 7,000,000,000 (excluding the value of applications), the growth rate of 3%; With the continuous development of LED LIGHTtechnology and the gradual expansion of the downstream applications , particularly in the large-size LED LIGHT backlight penetration of LCD panels and LED LIGHT lighting to enhance the rapid-than-expected development of the market, the LED LIGHT will appear to accelerate growth in the industry, according to Topology Research Institute in 2010 the global LED LIGHT output can reach $ 8,000,000,000 (excluding the value of applications), the growth rate of 14%.
LED LIGHT output and the growth of global change
Source: Topology Research Institute
LED LIGHT rise of late in China, but rapid development in the current LED LIGHT display, landscape decoration, traffic signals, street lighting, automotive lighting, home electronics, consumer and backlight fields a comprehensive application and promotion. From the production point of view, even if the financial crisis in 2009, the global growth slowdown LED LIGHT, China LED LIGHT industry is still maintained rapid growth momentum. 2009 production value of China's LED LIGHT industry, 23.1 billion (excluding the value of applications), the growth rate of 13.2%, China's LED LIGHT production value of 2010 is expected to reach 30.3 billion, an increase of 31.2%.
China's LED LIGHT production value and growth changes
Source: Topology Research Institute
Second, LED LIGHT packaging industry overview 
1, the global overview of the development of LED LIGHT packaging industry 
Policy guidance in a good environment, coupled with the continuous development of technological innovation, the entire LED LIGHT industry has shown high degree of economic growth, LED LIGHT packaging industry is also accompanied by simultaneous increase in theLED LIGHT industry. 
According to agency LED LIGHTinside statistics, the 2009 global LED LIGHT packaging company revenue totaled $ 8,050,000,000, compared with 2008 growth of 5%. Geographically, Japan is still number one enterprise revenue, representing 33% of the world, but the share decreased year by year, Taiwan ranked second, accounting for 17% of the world, while South Korean companies revenue from 9% in 2008 to 09 15% in 2009, LED LIGHT packaging companies in China share of revenue accounted for 11% of the world.
2009 global LED LIGHT business income share of the region
Source: LED LIGHTinside
2, the domestic development of LED LIGHT package 
In 2009, domestic output LED LIGHT packages 204 billion, 185 billion yuan in 2008, 10.3%; production from 94 billion in 2008 increased to 105.6 billion, the growth rate of 12%, of which output value of high-brightness LED LIGHT 18.6 billion, accounting for 91% of total output value of LED LIGHT package. Both from product and corporate structure, the country has greatly improved, SMD LED LIGHT and high power LED LIGHT package devices is growing rapidly. With the current strong market LED LIGHTLED LIGHT packaging market will subsequently enter the growth phase. According to the National Semiconductor Industry Association predicts that by 2010 China's LED LIGHT packaging market will reach 26.5 billion yuan, an increase of 30%, the package will reach 142.1 billion, an increase of 35%.
China's market size and growth of the LED LIGHT package predict
Source: Solid State Lighting R & D and Industry Alliance 
Note: The output value of China's LED LIGHT packaging market statistics include the domestic production for domestic and foreign investment, joint ventures, the data
Third, the industry technical standards and features 
1, the industry technical standards 
China is a big country LED LIGHT package, most LED LIGHT packaging manufacturers concentrated in China, distributed in various types of foreign investment, domestic packaging companies. The domestic packaging manufacturers and other foreign manufacturers in the process of market competition, with technology innovation and accumulation, the domesticLED LIGHT packaging companies increased visibility in the world, the technical level has been increasing. 
2, the technical characteristics of the industry 
LED LIGHT packaging industry, mainly related to technology, including packaging design, packaging, process control technology, packaging technology and other support materials. 
(1) package design 
On the LED LIGHT package form, the main Lamp LED LIGHT, SMD LED LIGHT and power type LED LIGHT three categories. LED LIGHT package design, including shape design, thermal design, optics design, materials matching design, parameter design. Overall, the domestic LED LIGHT package design has been design in a foreign country on the basis of improvement and innovation, design technology and foreign large firms still lags far behind, but in some specific design details made some breakthrough. 
Domestic enterprises in the Lamp LED LIGHT design technically more mature, and decay in the life of LED LIGHT, optical matching, and other technical aspects of the failure rate to be further improved. 
The design of SMD LED LIGHT SMD technology, especially in a Top-type continuously evolving and domestic enterprises in support of Top-type SMD package size, package design, material selection, optical design, thermal design and other technical innovations have been accumulated over strong technical strength. 
To the design of power type LED LIGHT, the large-size type as the power of chip manufacturing technology continues to improve, making the power type LED LIGHT in the structure, optical, materials, and other technical aspects of parameter design has been steadily progressing. 
(2) packaging process control technology 
Packaging technology is crucial in LED LIGHT packaging production. For example, the amount of plastic solid crystal control, wire machine wire temperature and pressure, the oven temperature, time and temperature curve, sealed plastic bubble and card position control, etc., are all key aspects of packaging technology. Even if the chip quality, DPM match is good, excellent design, equipment, high precision, if the process is not strictly correct or control, and ultimately will affect the reliability of LED LIGHT packages, attenuation and optical characteristics. 
Packaging technology in recent years with the rapid development of domestic LED LIGHTpackaging technology has risen to a higher level, even in some high-demand areas, the domestic part of the packaging companies close to their level of level of foreign packaging companies. 
(3) packaging technology aids 
Package support materials including stents, gold, epoxy resin, silicone, mold strips. The merits of the decision aids overall performance LED LIGHT packages, including packages of the failure rate, attenuation rate, optical properties, and energy consumption. Currently supporting material packaging supply chain have been more perfect, most of the supporting material has been able to achieve the domestic supply. But the high-performance epoxy resin and silicone to import the majority, these materials determines the LED LIGHT package device of high temperature, UV, refractive index and so on.    www.bgocled.com

